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Hunter/Jumper Show

Amigos Equestrian, Dona Ana, NM 215 Alvilar Road, Las Cruces, NM, United States

1st warm up starts at 9:30AM show starts at 10AM, 2nd warm up starts at 10:30AM Premiums are on the H/J page

Western Trail Competition

Amigos Equestrian, Dona Ana, NM 215 Alvilar Road, Las Cruces, NM, United States

4 EVENTS ARE SCHEDULED FOR 2024 FEBRUARY 24  TRAIL COMPETITION  At Amigos Equestrian Dona Aña NM APRIL 6  WESTERN EQUITATION  At Enchanted Horse Dressage Caballo NM OCTOBER 26  WESTERN DRESSAGE  At Enchanted Horse Dressage Caballo NM NOVEMBER 2  TRAIL COMPETITION  At Amigos Equestrian Dona Aña NM So that contestants will know what to expect, the … Continue reading »


Landmark Mercantile, Mesquite, NM 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM, United States

LCHA Gymkhana 2024 season March 16-17 April 13-14 May 18-19 September 21-22 October 19-20 The gymkhanas will be held at Landmark Mercantile 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM. Entry office will open at 8 am and Grand Entry will start at 9 am, followed immediately by the leadline event. Entry Form is on the Gymkhana Page

Western Equitation

Enchanted Horse Dressage, Caballo, NM 62 Percha Drive, Caballo, NM, United States

FEBRUARY 24  TRAIL COMPETITION  At Amigos Equestrian Dona Aña NM APRIL 6  WESTERN EQUITATION  At Enchanted Horse Dressage Caballo NM OCTOBER 26  WESTERN DRESSAGE  At Enchanted Horse Dressage Caballo NM NOVEMBER 2  TRAIL COMPETITION  At Amigos Equestrian Dona Aña NM So that contestants will know what to expect, the trail competitions will have a walk-through … Continue reading »


Landmark Mercantile, Mesquite, NM 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM, United States

May Hunter/Jumper

Amigos Equestrian, Dona Ana, NM 215 Alvilar Road, Las Cruces, NM, United States


May Gymkhana 2024

Landmark Mercantile, Mesquite, NM 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM, United States

LCHA-gym-entry-2024 REVISED3-14-24