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Ty Lowery Memorial Service Award

LCHA established the Ty Lowery Memorial Service Award in 1998 to honor a person, 18 years or younger, for outstanding service and to honor the memory of Ty Lowery. Ty Lowery first joined LCHA in 1984. He started out in the Gymkhana Lead-line division and was an active member until his death in 1998. Ty loved animals and was an outstanding horse person. He participated in rodeos and gymkhanas from the time he was five years old. Ty was known for his horsemanship ability, fairness, good humor and sportsmanship. He always helped others by giving them pointers and by loaning them equipment, driving the tractor and being his mother’s right arm. Ty was the first eighteen year old to serve as an adult board member.


This award will be given to a Gymkhana Division participant, since that was Ty’s division of choice. It will be chosen by a secret committee appointed by the Gymkhana Division Chairperson and the recipient’s name will remain a secret until announced at the Annual Awards Banquet.

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