LCHA Gymkhana 2025 season
March 15 – 16
April 26 -27
May 17 – 18
September 20 – 21
October 18 – 19
We have 10 gymkhanas scheduled this year. The Gymkhana Division will operate on a “best 7 out of 10” system. A rider must enter and ride in at least 7 of the gymkhanas to qualify for year-end awards. Riders must be members of the Las Cruces Horseman’s Association for points to count toward year end awards. If the participant only enters 7 gymkhanas, those will all count. If the participant enters in more than 7 gymkhanas, the best 7 gymkhana’s day points will be taken for the year-end awards. Participants must participate in at least 7 gymkhanas to be eligible for year-end awards. This includes participation in at least 3 events (not counting exhibition runs) at each gymkhana(See “NEW” exception below.
The gymkhanas will be held at Landmark Mercantile 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM. Entry office will open at 8 am and Grand Entry will start at 9 am, followed immediately by the leadline event.
“NEW” Contestants that cannot make 7 gymkhanas, due to sickness, schedule, or hurt equine, etc. may pay the total entry fees for 1 gymkhana, but not attend. No points will be earned by contestant, but could qualify contestant for year-end award, or possibly qualify for perfect attendance award if contestant competed in 9 gymkhanas and paid for 1 gymkhana, but not attend to make it total of 10 gymkhanas.
The Entry form has been updated for 2025 and is attached below. If you want to do early entry to avoid a $10 late fee, you may do so by emailing the form to LCHA @ lcha88001 @ or by texting Victoria @ 505-980-4087
FACEBOOK – Gymkhana Division has their own Facebook page and will be posting updates there as well as here on the website. Here is the link – click here!
Welcome to our 2025 season!
We have a novice class ~ A novice is a rider who is learning and needs a little extra help but they may only compete in the novice class for 1 year. Please remember that our novice riders will be run with their age group, at the end of the class ~ but they will not receive points so they are allowed to have help from a parent or coach in the arena.
We will also continue our payback fun event. Please visit our Facebook page and tell us what events you would like to participate in to help us raise money for the year-end awards.
Each rider must have 8 work hours assigned to their name. Hours can be completed by any representative, and can be done in any division. All 8 hours must be completed by the last gymkhana or the $100 work fee must be paid that day. If either of these options is not fulfilled by the end of the last gymkhana the rider will not qualify for year-end awards. Jake Montoya will keep records of the hours worked. Please see the arena director or the Gymkhana Chairwoman at the end of each day to have your hours recorded and verified.
“NEW” Auction Item: Each individual or family membership must bring a silent auction item which must be in new condition or handmade valuing at least $25.00. If a silent auction item is not brought in by the third gymkhana, the contestant(s) will not qualify for awards. This is a fundraiser to avoid contestants from having to sell raffle tickets to aide in raising money for year end awards.
Las Cruces Horseman’s Association Gymkhana Events: Only 5 events count toward year end points, and must be declared during registration.If contestant enters more than 5 events, contestants will mark (NP) on their entry form for the events that will not be used to for points. No points will be given for the event(s) that will be marked (NP).
- Barrels- Contestants may run to either the right or left barrel first. A contestant may not turn any barrel more than once. This will result in disqualification. If the forward motion is lost this will result in disqualification. Contestants and horses are permitted to touch the barrel. There will be a five-second penalty for each barrel that is knocked over.
- Poles– Contestant will weave thru six poles. Contestant or horse will be permitted to touch the poles. Knocking a pole over will result in a five-second penalty. Also, if a pole is knocked down and the contestant does not follow the weave pattern around the original base position of the fallen pole, it is considered a broken pattern. A broken pattern shall be defined as breaking their forward motion to retrace their tracks to finish the pattern and /or passing the plane of the pole on the offside.
- Flags- Contestants may turn the barrel on either the right or left side. Contestant my circle the barrel if they do not lose forward momentum. Not following the pattern will result in disqualification. Knocking the bucket over is a five-second penalty. Knocking the bucket and barrel over is a ten-second penalty.
- Straight 8- Contestants can approach on either the right or left side of the first barrel and must complete a figure 8 pattern around the remaining barrels exiting on the opposite side they entered. The barrels will be 21 feet apart and there will be a 5-second penalty for each barrel that is knocked over.
- “IT’S BACK!” Goat tying – Contestants in the 6 & under age group will tie around the neck. You cannot have a pre-established loop; you must tie when you get to the goat. Parents may assist on holding the horse when the competitor has come to a complete stop. In all other age groups the contestant must throw the goat by hand. If the goat is down when reached, the goat must be day-lighted and re-thrown. The contestant, can then cross and tie any three legs. The contestant can use a pigging string, leather tie or rope. There will be one or more wraps and a half hitch, hooey or knot. Contestants must step back a foot from the goat. The goats legs must remain crossed and secure for 6 seconds after the completion of the tie.
- **Fun Event – This event changes at each gymkhana and will be announced at the start of each day. The possible events can be found on the LCHA website under the gymkhana tab. There will be a printable document with rules and information.
- **Payback Event – This event will offer a payback based on each event. It is a fundraiser only and no points are awarded. All ages will compete together.
You may send pre-entries by e-mail to [email protected] to avoid long lines and late fees. Entries fees will be accepted the morning of the event . All exhibitions and paybacks must be paid when entry is submitted, prior to the event. You may also call or text Victoria L. Murphy @ 480-382-0857
Entry Form is attached below.
The gymkhanas will be held at Landmark Mercantile 12000 Stern Dr, Mesquite, NM. unless otherwise stated.
Entry office will open at 8 am and Grand Entry will start at 9 am, followed immediately by the leadline event. This year we will run the oldest age group first and end with the 6 and under. The exhibitions will only be for barrels and poles and will run at the beginning of each event. Exhibition riders must be pre-entered and will be limited to current members only.
Age Groups – January 1st determines your age group for the 2025 season.
- Lead-line – children age 6 & under who do not ride alone
- Novice – All ages, will run at the end of their age group.
- 6 & under
- 7-9 years
- 10-12 years
- 13-17 years
- 18-39 years
- 40 years & over
Remember that all riders must wear long pants, shirts with sleeves and boots with a defined heel of at least ¼ inch. No tank tops or sleeveless shirts, short pants, no shorts or tennis shoes will be allowed.
We look forward to seeing everyone this year.
For more information contact: [email protected]