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Revision Date December, 2009
ARTICLE I: Title, Location, Objectives, Divisions
Section I.a TITLE: This Association shall be know as LAS CRUCES HORSEMAN’S ASSOCIATION, and shall at all times be operated and conducted as a non-profit Association, in accordance with the laws of the State of New Mexico, providing for such organizations and by which it shall acquire all such rights as granted to such Associations.
Section I.b. LOCATION: The principal place of business shall be Las Cruces, Dona Ana County, New Mexico, where all general business meetings will be conducted. Activities may be conducted in any county or state decided upon by the Board of Directors or the general membership, as voted upon in a regularly announced business meeting.
Section I.c. OBJECTIVES: This Association will provide horsemen with the opportunity to join together in an organized attempt to promote opportunities for training and education in horsemanship, to promote good sportsmanship, and to provide opportunities for organized social activities for the membership.
Section I.d. DIVISIONS: The Association shall be divided into divisions of interest, including, but not limited to (1) Gymkhana Division; (2) Western Horse Show Division; (3) Hunter/Jumper Divisions; and (4) Dressage and Eventing Division.
ARTICLE II: Board of Directors
Section II. a. MEMBERS: The Board of Directors shall consist of the Association Officers (Association President, Association Vice-President, Association Secretary, Association Treasurer), four (4) Association Board Members, the Immediate Past President, and three officers of each Division (Division Chairperson, Division Secretary, Division Treasurer) and also two (2) Board members from each Division.
Section II.b. DUTIES OF THE BOARD: The business and property of the Association shall be managed and directed by the Board. The general membership shall vest in the board the authority to make, amend and enforce such rules and regulations not contrary to the law or these by-laws, as they deem expedient concerning the conduct, management, activities, and welfare of the Association. The Board shall have the vested authority for expenditure of money, auditing of books and/or records, conducting of social activities, and other functions relating to the general purposes of the Association. All of the foregoing, however, are subject to the revision of amendment by the members at any regular or special meeting of the general membership.
The board shall conduct monthly meetings and as many special meetings as deemed necessary. A quorum shall consist of eight (8) Board of Director members. The Association President or two thirds (2/3) of the Board members may call special meetings. The Association President or Secretary shall give notice of each special meeting by writing, or telephoning, at least 24 hours in advance.
ARTICLE III: Officers and Directors
Section III.a. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: The Officers of the Association shall be the Association President, Association Vice-President, Association Secretary and Association Treasurer. The Directors shall be four (4) Association Board Members, the Immediate Past President, and choice of Division representatives as selected above in Sections IIa and IIb) If any one holds more than one office, that person shall have only one vote. The Officers of each Division shall be Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and no fewer than two (2) board members.
Section III.b. DUTIES OF THE OFFICERS: The duties of the Board members are as follows:
Section III.b.1. ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT: The Association President shall be elected by the adult membership (18 and over) for a one-year term. The Association President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and shall preside at meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors. He/she shall see that the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the Association are enforced and shall perform all other duties that may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. The Association President is a non-voting member except in the event of a tie. He/she shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of all committees.
Section III.b.2. ASSOCIATION VICE-PRESIDENT: The Association vice-President shall be elected by the adult membership (18 and over) for a term of one year. In the absence of the Association President, he/she shall have the powers and shall perform the duties of the President and shall carry out such other assignments as prescribed by the Board of Directors.
Section III.b.3. ASSOCIATION SECRETARY: The Association Secretary shall be elected by the adult membership (18 and over) for a term of one year. The Association Secretary shall keep the minutes of all membership and Board of Directors meetings. The Association Secretary shall be the custodian for the safekeeping of all documents and records of the Association and shall be responsible for maintaining a current membership roll for the Association. The Association Secretary shall report at all Board of Directors meetings and general membership meetings. The Association Secretary will appoint a temporary replacement in his/her absence. It shall be the duty of this officer to publish newsletters and Association correspondence to the general membership.
Section III.b.4: ASSOCIATION TREASURER: The Association Treasurer shall be elected by the adult membership (18 and over) for a term of one year. The Association Treasurer shall receive monies paid to the Las Cruces Horseman’s Association. The Association Treasurer shall disburse the same e upon the order of the Board of Directors or upon vote by the general membership. The Association Treasurer shall account for the financial status of the Association by itemized reports at all meetings of the Board of Directors and all general membership meetings. At the conclusion of his/her term of one year, the books shall be audited and a record of the audit results entered in the records of the Association.
Section III.b.5: ASSOCIATION BOARD MEMBERS: Four (4) Association Board Members shall be elected for a term of two years, in alternating years, elected by the adult membership (18 and over). Two (2) Association Board Members will be elected in each annual election. The Association Board Members will assist the Association officers in carrying out their assigned duties, shall attend meetings and represent the general membership in all decisions of the Board of Directors.
Section III.b.6: IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The immediate past president shall attend Board of Directors meetings, assist the officers as needed and help provide continuity in the organization from year to year.
Section III.b.7: ASSOCIATION DIVISIONS AND OFFICERS: Each division shall have the following officers: Division Chairperson, Division Secretary, Division Treasurer, and at least two (2) Division Board Members, elected in alternating years. Division Officers and Board members will conduct the general business of their respective Divisions, including, but not limited to (1) revising Division rules as deemed necessary at the beginning of each year, (2) keeping accurate records, (3) organizing Division events and awarding prizes for those events, (4) receiving and disbursing monies for the Division, (5) regularly reporting Division activities to the Association Board, and (6) providing a written financial summary to the Board of Directors at the end of each year.
Section III.b.8. JUNIOR BOARD MEMBERS: Any/all Divisions may elect two (2) Junior Board Members for a term of one year, Junior Board members shall be elected by the youth membership (school age to 17 years) of each respective Division. Age of the officers at the time of election must be 17 or under. The Junior Board Members shall represent the youth of the Association in Board of Directors activities, select the optional events for their respective Divisions for each competition and otherwise assist the Board of Directors.
Section III.b.9. ELECTIONS AND VACANCIES: The election of officers will be conducted in the designated general membership meeting each year or by mail-in ballot and the officers will be installed at the annual end-of-year awards function. All nominees must be members in good standing during the previous year. Resignations from elected positions must be submitted in writing and accepted by the board. Positions not filled during the general election or vacancies that occur through the year may or may not be filled by each Division Board. If an Officer, or Director, of the Association fails to fulfill the duties of his/her office, that officer’s or director’s position may be declared vacant. He/she will be notified in writing and the vacant position filled by the Board of Directors at the next regular meeting.
ARTICLE IV: Committees
Section IV.a. STANDING COMMITTEES: The Association President shall appoint the following committees to serve for one year, with each committee to have at least three (3) members:
Section IV.a.1. BY-LAWS AND RULES COMMITTEE: Prepare and decide all rules and regulations pertaining General Association business for approval by the Board of Directors. Review and submit, in accordance with Article VI of the By-Laws, amendments necessary to alter the By-laws of the Association.
Section IV.a. 2. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: Encourage and promote membership in the Las Cruces Horseman’s Association.
Section IV.a.3. AWARDS AND TROPHIES: Select, order and handle all matters pertaining to all awards, presenting a yearly plan to the Board of Directors for approval.
Section IV.a.4. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Present a slate of officers for election at the last general membership meeting of each year. Nominations from the floor will be accepted, in addition.
Section IV.a.5. SPORTSMANSHIP COMMITTEE: This shall be a secret committee to select one (1) member to receive the Harry Jiron Memorial Sportsmanship Trophy.
Section IV.a.6. QUEEN’S CONTEST COMMITTEE: Prepare and decide all rules and regulations pertaining to the yearly Queen’s Contest, and present for approval to the Board of Directors. This committee will select the judges, hold practice sessions and preside over the selection of the Queen and Queen’s court.
Section IV.a.7. HISTORIAN: Maintain an historical record of Association events and activities.
Section IV.a. 8. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE: Prepare and submit articles and photographs, if available, on all activities of the Las Cruces Horseman’s Association, to the news media.
Section IV.a.9. PARADE COMMITTEE: Coordinates the club’s riding in parades with the Board of Directors. The committee will obtain and fill out required applications and present parade plans to the Board for approval. This committee will also be responsible for the safe-keeping of the club’s flags and if the flags are ever loaned, is responsible for maintaining a log of dates loaned out, person’s name, telephone number, address and the date the flags are returned.
Section IV.a.10. FUND RAISING COMMITTEE: Coordinates all fund raising activities for the Association.
Section IV.b. COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS: The Association President shall appoint the chairperson of all committees created unless otherwise provided in a motion requesting a special committee.
Section IV.c. SPECIAL COMMITTEES: The Association President shall appoint committees as deemed necessary.
ARTICLE V: Members, Memberships, Dues, Monies,
Termination/Suspension, Meetings, Correspondence
Section V.a. MEMBERSHIP: Memberships will be (1) Family membership, riding and non-riding must be listed on the application, (a family is considered to be a husband and/or wife, and unmarried children living at home full time) and (2) Single membership. There will be two (2) classes of members – annual and life.
Section V.b. APPLICATION AND ADMISSION: Members of the Association shall be admitted, retained and expelled in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board of Directors may from time to time adopt.
Section V.c. MEMBERS: Members shall be admitted to the Association upon signing written application and injury release form accompanied by initial membership fees, unless rejected within 30 days by the Board of Directors.
Section V.d. VOTING AND RIGHTS: All adult members (18 and older as of January 1 of the year in question) in good standing shall have equal rights, interests, and responsibilities, with respect to the Association and its property. All adult members, listed under a single or family membership, shall have the right to vote in all membership meetings and to hold office, as set forth in Article II of theses By-Laws. Members are entitled to attend all meetings of the Association Board or the Boards of any Division. Members, ages 17 and younger, will be non-voting members. There will be no proxy voting.
Section V.e. DUES: Annual dues shall be $30.00 for family memberships and $20.00 for single memberships. Dues are due and payable to the Association Secretary at the first of each calendar year or upon application for membership in the Association.
Section V.f. WORK/FEE: In order to receive year-end awards, each competitor must work 8.0 hours per each division that they qualify in for awards. Member may have a representative/s complete the hours for them. Competitor or representative may complete the work hours for the division of their choice. If the work hours are not completed by the end of the season a fee of $100.00 per competitor will be assessed for each division they qualify in for year end prizes.
Section V.g. MONIES: All monies collected must be deposited in the appropriate Association/Division account within fourteen (14) days of any event/function with a breakdown of all monies accounted for. Any person presenting two checks to the Organization or any of its Divisions that are backed by insufficient funds will thereafter be required to pay fees in cash.
Section V.h. TERMINATION/SUSPENSION: Any person(s) displaying improper, unsportsmanlike or unsafe behavior, abusive language or cruelty to animals, use of alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs, vandalism and/or destruction of property at any Association-sponsored event will be asked by the event director/manager to immediately leave the event and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the Association Board of Directors.
Section V.i. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: Five (5) days written notice will be given to Association members. A quorum shall consist of 25 voting members. Special meetings shall be called by the Association President, or two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Board of Directors, when time and place are designated in writing to the general membership at least five (5) days in advance. Special meetings shall be called by the Association President upon written petition of at least 25 voting members of the general membership.
Section V.j. CORRESPONDENCE: Any letter written to Las Cruces Horseman’s Association should be brought up at the next Board meeting and a written reply sent back within 30 to 45 days of said receipt (post mark).
ARTICLE VI: Amendments to the By-Laws
Amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the By-Laws Committee, at least (15) days prior to a general meeting, for presentation to the general membership. Proposals thus submitted may be further amended at the general meeting. These By-Laws shall be amended only by a vote of the general membership. Amended and approved By-Laws will be distributed to all members of the Association in a timely manner.