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Sponsorship Application and Information

LCHA Sponsorship Info andĀ Application

LCHA is a non-profit organization where riders of all ages compete in varied events. Riders vie for points which accumulate year-long towards awards given at our annual banquet. Opportunities are available for sponsors to purchase advertising space in our newsletter as well as on our website. Income from these advertisers will help to defray the costs not covered by our memberships and day fees, including but not limited to arena rents, awards, judges fees and general overhead of events.

Your business information will also be listed on our website as well as a link to your website if you have one.

MORE INFORMATION: For more information What is the mission of LCHA and Sponsorships?

THANK YOU! Thank you for helping LCHA with our goal of providing horsemen with an opportunity in an organized and collective manner to promote training and education in horsemanship, encourage sportsmanship and social activities within our association and community.

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